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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 26, 2012 11:35pm-12:00am PST

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to buy even before you click. plus, finding bin laden, the woman behind the greatest manhunt of all time. >> bin laden is there and you're going to kill him for me. >> tonight, our martha raddatz with exclusive access to the most controversial movie of the oscar season. "zero dark thirty." and the new dolly, the reigning queen of country opens up about her very first song, the extreme makeovers. >> my girls are doing pretty good. >> and frank details of her love life. and good evening, i'm cynthia mcfadden. so, what did you do at work today? chances are good that on this cyber monday there was some
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point, click and buy going on. a record-breaking $1.5 billion worth of merchandise expected to have been order online today and no one shipped more orders than amazon. it's a company known for its competitiveness and its secrecy. but abc's neal karlinsky was allowed inside to see the amazon magic. >> reporter: this is what the inner world of amazon looks like on cyber monday. capitalism on parade. "nightline" was invited in for a rare glimpse at one of its 80 huge fulfillment centers strategically sprinkled around the globe. look down the aisle here. that's a lot of stuff. to find out what happens when you point, click and buy. a process that follows miles of conveyer belts inside a massive building like this. but first, an experiment. they say this is the hot video game. we place an order, just dance 4.
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if all goes according to plan we'll follow it from the shelf to my doorstep. this 1.2 million square foot amazon warehouse is the unseen shopping mall that never closes. it's funny, like noah's ark, you have one of everything here. soccer ball, backpack, tablecloth. >> we carry has much as we can. >> reporter: josh teeter a former military intelligence officer is the general manager, a little bit like an aircraft traffic controller for onshrine shopping. i tried to search for something you wouldn't have, i searched for a pink tuxedo and you have one available. >> i guess you're not the only one that wants that. >> reporter: we watch my order pop up on a scanner, plucked from a shelf by hand and then dropped into a barcoded yellow bin. >> this is the one you bought. >> reporter: this is mine. >> that will arrive at your house in a couple of days. >> reporter: the amazon people let us draw a smiley face on the
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bin to follow it on a child ride through e through winding maze. they added a small army of workers to handle the holidays. the things that must get out the door and fast. is it a pressure cooker working in here? >> it gets very busy at this time and folks work hard for sure. we hire 50,000 seasonal employees to meet the demand. >> reporter: amazon faced serious complaints that workers are pushed to the limit in tough conditions. >> safety is number one with us. these are well-paying jobs, we pay 30% more than traditional retail. what do you have here? >> shipping things off. >> reporter: somebody getting a hannah montana camera. amazon is barcode heaven. everything has a code. to find it, ship it, track it. could you howe can they have
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everything from xhchain main an magnifying glasses on hand? one part is inventory and other is small business owners, like dan, his store sells clock oil and exploded by selling through amazon, their stuff shows up on amazon's website. and amazon gets a cut of the action. >> right now we have about 150,000 skus we offer am zahn. >> reporter: 150,000 just from you? >> just from us. >> reporter: the company use sophisticated programs to track your online habits. a fully customized shopping experience to not only match prices but increasingly, match jo your desires. >> we have super smart people
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who build algorithims to get what people want. >> consumers are urged to shop around. meanwhile our happy yellow bin shows up right on cue. it's traveled about a mile since we saw it last and now it's nearing the end. as it's pulled off and boxed we add a message inside to make sure what shows up is the same item. all right. see this at home. 48 hours later. here it is. a box was sitting on my doorstep. crack it open. and -- there is our game. and it's our message. happy hole dpridays from abc ne. they may call it cyber monday but at amazon it never ends. i'm neal karlinsky for "nightline" in phoenix. >> and amazon tells us they expect they will have sold more merchandise today and any day before in its history. still ahead, the real story of the woman behind the greatest manhunt of all time.
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the search for osama bin laden. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 c250 for $349 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. at your local of washington about the future of medicare and social security. anncr: but you deserve straight talk about the options on the... table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin. because for our 37 million members, only one word counts.
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get the facts at let's keep medicare... and social security strong for generations to come. i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter.
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we know how the hunt for osama bin laden ended, with a dramatic raid by elite s.e.a.l. team six but just how bin laden was found and killed remain largely a mystery. now, it's the subject of a new movie by the director and screenwriter behind the oscar-winning movie "the hurt locker." abc's senior foreign correspondent martha raddatz covered this story from the start and shared her insights with the filmmakers and tonight, she brings us this exclusive look at "zero dark thirty." >> that is him? >> could be. >> reporter: it was the greatest
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manhunt of all time. the stealthy night time raid by the elite s.e.a.l. team six, the secret bin laden compound in pakistan. you think you note story but hold on to your seat. now, there is so much more. "zero dark thirty" the riveting new film by director kathryn bigelow and screenwriter mark boal brings you the hunt for bin laden like it's never been seen before, combining meticulous detail of a first-rate investigative reporter. >> it was thrill to see what the people were like. >> reporter: with the dramatic touch of oscar-winning director bigelow. >> it was based on firsthand accounts, it felt very vivid and immediate. >> reporter: they bea gan the
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project six years ago with a very different ending until -- >> the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. >> i picked up the phone and started calling sources and seeing what they knew and taking reer iffals and knocking on doors. >> there there was huge controversy and an investigation was begun about you receiving classified material. >> i certain dli a lly did a lo homework. i never asked for classified material and to my knowledge i never received any. >> reporter: at the center of the drama was a young female cia officer played by jessica chastain, the woman they called maya, rerelentlessly tracked leads that went straight to bin laden. >> bin laden is there. and you're going to kill him for me. >> i realized this odyssey was this woman, with tenacity and courage, i was excited to take it on. >> i didn't want to use you with
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your velcro and gear, i wanted to drop a bomb. >> reporter: those words were indeed real based on interviews with the young cia officer, some of the dialogue is drama tiezed, some of the decades difficult na nair nairty -- narrative condensed. how did she feel about the movie? >> a lot of people i spoke to were in an unusual position, they were proud of what they had done but had more or less resigned themselves to the fact that what they had done they could not talk about publicly but the movie allows them tuk in a way that is a bit freer because movies can change the way people look. >> reporter: bigelow was making final tweaks with her sound designers the day we met. >> what we were try doing here was create a kind of sonic environment that kept the outcome of the evening in question. >> reporter: because they don't
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know how it will end. >> they don't know. >> reporter: the evening in question the climax of the film, the raid that killed bin laden. that had to be a challenge because the world thinks they know how this ends. >> but they don't know how it happened. they don't know what was the choreography of the assault itself, where did they land? where did they crash? who did they kill first? >> reporter: the assault on the compou compound, like the rest of the film is as accurate as possible. using in part abc news video shot at the actual scene a full scale version of the compound built in jordan where they filmed for close to four weeks. the floor the tile, carpet -- mark said you took that from -- >> from your footage. >> reporter: where fr the abc news video. >> yes. >> reporter: they recreated the stealth helicopters that swept over the border into pakistan using real black hawks with computer generated graphics
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replicating the stealthy skin. actors told of terrifying twists that their real live counterparts faced. >> you're in the elements, wind, sand, sound in the rotor wash and you can't see anything. you know, you imagine what it would be like to land in this place. >> reporter: and bigelow takes you there like nobody else can. you feel this raid. hear it. even though you think you know how it ends, there is more to this story. >> you're at the center of something that is so epic and that doesn't come along very often. we were both aware of the fact we probably won't have another story like this. >> i can't imagine. i think it's a story of the lifetime. >> reporter: it may be but for many of the real heroes of this movie the secret work they do continues to this day. for "nightline," i'm martha raddatz in los angeles. >> "zero dark thirty" opens in new york and los angeles on
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december 19 and the rest of the country on january 11. our thanks to martha. still ahead, dolly parton, from 9 to 5 and beyond. two years ago, theof ♪ barely getting by bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. of washington about the future of medicare and social security. anncr: but you deserve straight talk about the options on the... table and what they mean for you and your family. ancr: aarp is cutting through all the political spin.
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because for our 37 million members, only one word counts. get the facts at let's keep medicare... and social security strong for generations to come.
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when dolly parton wanted to open a theme park her advisers told her she should call it crazywood. 27 years later, dollywood attracts 2.5 million visitors every year. dolly's always been bold from her larger than life looks to her big personality. and tonight, she dishes about her love life and how she created her brand with abc's juju chang. >> i guess i was about 5 they said when i wrote a song about a
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co corncob told ♪ little tiny tass el top >> the premiere superstar of country music that started with humble ditty. >> reporter: my 5-year-old can barely put two sentences together. >> how is everybody doing tonight? ♪ two doors down ♪ they're having a party >> reporter: 60 years and countless songs later dolly's built an entertainment empire worth an estimated $500 million. >> this is replica of the old house. this is cleaner than ours was. >> reporter: we met up with her at dollywood theme park and museum. >> those boots i remember wearing in the kenny rogers special. don't you love those? >> reporter: i do. she told us about the new motivational memoir, growing up dirt poor in a cab wn 11 siblings and creating that ci a signature dolly look. >> matches turn into charcoal, make eyebrows, beauty marks, eye
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liner, whatever. >> reporter: did you really model yourself after the town tramp? >> that is an absolute truth. there was a woman, we won't call names but she was beautiful. i'd never seen anybody with the yellow hair all piled up and red lip stistick and rouge and high-heeled shoes and i thought that's what i want to look like. >> reporter: she's refreshingly honest about things most ent entertainers guard ferociously. people admire what you talk so openly about plastic surgery. >> this there is something you want do, can afford do and got the nerve to do, do it if it makes you feel beat better. >> reporter: how is ageing with implants? >> i don't think they age. >> reporter: they don't? >> my girls are doing pretty good. >> reporter: over over the top looks so entwined with her ledge aend even dolly herself faces stil competition when she
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entered a drag queen celebrity lookalike countries. >> they had chers and dollies, i overexaggerated, made everything bigger. >> reporter: they knew it was you? they didn't. these beautiful drag queens worked for months and dressed like me. so, i just got in the line and i just walked across. and they just thought i was some little short gay guy and i got the least applause. but i was just dying laughing signed. it's a good thing i was a girl or i'd be a grag queen. >> reporter: theres have been false rumors about her being gay. something she laughs about with another powerful woman who rose from poverty in the south, her friend, oprah. >> we do talk about that, gayle, her friend, judy, my friend, they think you can't be that close. judy and i have been best friends since we were in third and fourth grade. i love her as much as i love anybody in whole world but we're
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not romantic. >> reporter: she's a shrewd businesswoman starring in hits like "nine to five." >> i'm going to get that gun and change from a rooster to a hen with one shot. >> reporter: and sold 100 million records thanks to smash hits like "i will always love you." ♪ and i -- >> reporter: later immortalized by whitney houston. >> they played it and lifted her coffin and it stabbed me in the heart, it overwhelmed me. >> reporter: her songs are her legacy and her imagination library, a litteracy program sh dedicated to her father, who couldn't read. >> reporter: will you retire some day? >> i will never retire.
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as long oos i'm able goat up and get makeup and high heels on and even if i can't wear the high heels, i'll do like mae west and sit in a wheelchair with my heels on and have somebody wheel me around. ♪ and here i go >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm juju chang in pigeon forge, tennessee. ♪ here i go >> dolly parton's new book "droom mo "dream more" in stores tomorrow. she'll be on "good morning america" tomorrow. jimmy kimkimmel, next. up next on an all-new jimmy kimmel live. >> thanksgiving is about going home to your family and doing dirty things in your childhood bed. >> ryan seacrest. >> who is the worst judge in the


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